Wednesday 12 September 2012

Dredd 3D - Monday 10 Sept 2012


I wondered for ages, rather pointlessly, what score to give this movie out of 10. Who cares if I gave the movie an 8 or a 9 or a 10? It's my blog dammit!

I watched the film on Monday night, it's now Wednesday afternoon of the same week. My score immediately after seeing the film was a straight 10/10. How do I feel now the initial excitement has worn away with 2 days of extra perspective? Has my view changed? NO! This is a flat-out 10/10 film! Is it perfect? I don't know, what's perfect? Who cares!

This is the best film I have seen this year and the most enjoyable film I have seen (probably since Kick-Ass).

I was a MASSIVE fan of 2000AD as a teenager and, in particular of Judge Dredd. This film perfectly captures the feel of Mega City One and the low-life perps that populate  it's seedy slums and towers.

I loved everything about the movie. The soundtrack is great with superb break-beats over the credits and beat-drops gearing up as the action kicks in, the script is tight and surprisingly funny (in a blackly comic way), the casting is superb, the 3D effects spot-on, and the pacing of the film also immaculate.

The film is explosively violent - with slo-mo viscera and body-detritus flying BUT the film also manages some emotional depth through the character of rookie-Anderson (fantastically portrayed by Olivia Thirlby - by turns vulnerable but tough). I don't naturally like violent films, but I found the violence in Dredd was quite refreshing given the 12A rating chasing efforts such as Dark Knight Rises and Hunger Games. What do you think happens when someone gets shot or stabbed or thrown out of a window? People bleed. In this case, stylishly and in 3D slow-mo!

Every penny of the $40million filming budget has been well spent! I understand the film launches in the US next week and that if it makes more than $50million, the 2nd and 3rd films of the trilogy Alex Garland has planned may get the green-light. Come on America, go see Dredd!

Karl Urban even manages to bring charisma to his Dredd, even though we only ever see his down-turned mouth (as per the comic). Dredd is a character of our times - what do you do when your city is overtaken by gangs of violent youths who shoot each other, smash up your neighbourhood, steal your stuff in order to buy drugs? What would you LIKE to do, assuming you're NOT one of those violent youths? Send in Dredd? You'd like to wouldn't you - admit it.

Go and see the film - it's utterly fantastic.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

The Dark Knight Rises - Tuesday 5 Sept 2012


This film is about as epic as 'super hero' films can get. Firstly it's got a long running time of 165 minutes and, from a lot of other reviews I've read, this hasn't appeared to have a been a problem for many - a sure sign of a film that grips the attention. Everything about the movie is BIG and I was hooked from the first minute! Chris Nolan juggles multiple characters, plot lines and big set-pieces whilst creating something meaningful and emotionally engaging. I enjoyed the film more than the first 2 films of the trilogy (although I haven't seen them in a while!), principally because of Bane and the whole Batman/Catwoman love interest (which I found believeable and quite touching). The film needed the love interest because other than that, it's a fairly bleak affair; Bane wants to give Gotham back to the people; to create anarchy and crush the oppressors (i.e. all forms of law and order). He also happens to have a nuke travelling around the city ticking down to detonation....

The film introduces Joseph Gordon-Levitt who provides excellent support along with Gary Oldman, Marion Cotillard and Michael Caine (providing some emotional depth).

Personally, I think the film would have been enhanced by having a bit more 'blood-shed' but it's a 12A for commercial reasons and who can argue when the film has just surpassed the $1billion mark?! I'll be going to see Dredd for my 'skull-crushing' fix anyway!

It's a great film with a perfectly judged ending! I can't wait to see the film again and to see what come's next!!