Wednesday 28 March 2012

The Hunger Games - Tuesday 27 March 2012


I haven't read the book, but I was increasingly excited about seeing this movie. I liked the concept, liked the trailers and I really enjoyed Jennifer Lawrence's performance in Winters Bone.

The Hunger Games is set in a world (North Amercica/Earth) that has had an 'event' of some description (not explained in the film). The event has led to a world where the rich live lavish lifestyles in the Capitol and the workers are situated in 12 different districts. The rich use 'The Hunger Games' as a yearly event to help keep the poor subjugated and in their place (i.e.just enough hope to keep them going but not enough to lead to rebellion). 2 children/teenagers from each of the 12 districts (1 boy and 1 girl) fight to the death in a man-made environment.

Think Truman Show meets Battle Royale.

Firstly, let me say that Jennifer Lawrence is excellent in the film. Make no mistake, she is a star. She's defiant, capable, vulnerable and is the essence of 'girl power'!

The film is worth seeing for Jennifer alone, but I wasn't that convinced by the rest of it. Gary Ross' direction of the film is too choppy (and the editing was really quite poor and devalued the sory telling process from a visual point of view) - it's doesn't help any of the emotional scenes hit the target. In addition, juggling the demands of a 12A film rating and creating a film about young people brutally murdering one another is always going to be a tough ask. Despite the swords, knives, arrows, explosions etc. there is no blood. For me, this took away the sense of real threat from the movie and I lost any sense of fear I might have had for the protagonists.

Perhaps, at 39 years old, I'm too old for this movie? I think that teenage boys and girls will love it (as was the case in the cinema when I watched it!). Perhaps I was looking forward to seeing the film too much after the hype? Whatever the reason, it didn't leave me hungry for more.

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