Thursday 19 January 2012

Haywire - Weds 18th Jan 2012

8/10 (if you're a Steven Soderbergh fan and like his visual style)
7/10 (if you're not a particular fan but just want an action thriller)

There's more style than substance in Haywire, BUT if you like Soderburgh's style then you'll love it. There are some great lingering camera shots of Gina Carano running, reversing cars etc.

There's also a hint of Tarantino in some of the 'up the tension' scenes, particularly between Carano and Michael Fassbender on the way back to a hotel room, which also work very well.

Gina Carano's, ex-Marine, character 'Mallory Kane' is the main focus of the film, but supporting actors are uniformly excellent and well cast (although Bill Paxton is not given an awful lot to do as Kane's father except look worried). It's also always good to see Michael Douglas!

I am a Soderburgh fan, so I'm happy to overlook the fact that it's all a bit predictable and lacking in originality. I guess if I weren't such a big fan of his, I might feel a little let down at the slow pace of some of the film.

Gina Carano is great in the lead role - dangerously hot.

Go and see it - it works well on the big screen!

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