Wednesday 8 February 2012

The Descendants - Tuesday 7 February 2012


Where has Alexander Payne been since he made the excellent Sideways? I hope we don't have have to wait another 7 years until his next movie! The Descendants is superb - if you liked any of Payne's previous films such as Election, Sideways or About Schmidt, you will love this film - in fact, I think it's Payne's best work. On the surface, the film seems to look a bit bleak; George Clooney trying to re-engage with his 2 daughters following an accident that puts his wife into a coma. The film itself does have some wrenching scenes BUT overall the feel is typical Payne; quirky, off-kilter, and sometimes very funny (good scenes with Robert Forster). Acting is uniformly superb; Clooney gives a nuanced, minimalist masterclass performance - he has the super ability to lead a film whilst keeping part of the whole ensemble- I believe he's what's called a 'generous actor'. Supporting cast is excellent with special mention to his elder daughter player by relative newcomer Shailene Woodley. Payne turns down the sun in Hawaii and it's neigbouring islands - turning the backdrop from sunshine paradise, into a slightly grey, windier place BUT there's a ray on sunshine at the end giving hope to all the characters involved. I left the cinema very satisfied - very recommended.

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